P.O. Box 53
2313 Main St., Ste. 175 (Farr St. entrance)
Waller, TX 77484
What is a Chamber of Commerce?
It is a voluntary organization of citizens who are investing their time and money in a community development program – working together to improve the economic and civic strength of an area. Any citizen who is interested is eligible to become a member of the Chamber of Commerce. The most direct benefit is a stronger local economy: more businesses and more jobs. The indirect benefits are more public programs, better schools, and less crime.
Chamber of Commerce’s have existed for hundreds of years. That alone says that they are effective, but your Chamber membership brings with it many benefits that would cost you thousands of dollars to provide for yourself. Here are just a few:
Part time sales representatives: It is a known fact that when people want information about an area, they call the Chamber first. That means the Chamber is the first point of contact for many people interested in the area. As a Chamber member, you are the first to receive referrals from the Chamber and its other member’s. The chamber is also actively working for industrial and business development which brings with it new residents with new money to spend in the community.
Promotion through the Chamber web site: As a member of the Chamber, you will have your information posted on the Chamber web site free of charge. This promotion includes a direct link to your web page and general information about you, including your email address and telephone number.
Pictures of ribbon cuttings are posted on the Chamber website as well as ran in all local newspapers. There is also an interactive Calendar of Events that can be used to post information about your special occasions.
Networking Events: Members have the opportunity to meet with others and promote their business or services with other area and regional businesses. As a member, you are always invited to our Networking luncheons normally held the 3rd Wednesday of each month at St. John's Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall located at 1613 Key Street, Waller.
Professional seminars: As a member, you will have many opportunities to learn about current employment laws, investment strategies, and other critical aspects of running a successful business. Our Chamber has strong ties with Workforce Solutions, Prairie View A & M and Blinn College among others.
Sponsorship for special events: Chamber events are opportunities to receive recognition for your contribution as an event sponsor and to promote goodwill within the community. We have several exciting events such as the Annual Dinner held each January, Political Forums held during election years, quarterly Bingo and others.
Liaison with elected officials: The Chamber can be your liaison when it comes to communicating with our local elected officials. The Chamber is always interested in identifying the issues that are important to our local businesses so that we can more effectively address those issues with our elected officials.
Stay Informed: Chamber emails and newsletters give frequent reports about what's going on in our area to keep you up on our ever-growing and changing community. Being aware of local activities will help you support the community that supports your business. You will meet other members with mutual interests and experiences.
We are serving as a partner to every business and professional in this community and the work of the chamber is financed by the investments of its members.
The dues structures is designed to permit anyone who desires to join an opportunity. Yearly membership opportunities to consider are:
Please join the Waller Area Chamber of Commerce today. Call 936-372-5300 or simply fill out the online form available at www.wallerchamber.com.
We are an active Chamber and constantly involved and evolving. We have a plan to fit your need and remember, your chamber investment is a tax-deductible business expense.
Thank you,
"Community Beyond the Marketplace"
© Copyright 2025 Waller Area Chamber of Commerce. All Rights Reserved. Site provided by GrowthZone - powered by ChamberMaster software.